Is gender diversity emphasized more when hiring for software engineering roles than other roles? If so, why?

I am going to paraphrase the question a bit more directly:  Do companies try to find and hire more women software engineers.
There certainly is a gender imbalance in software engineers today as there are a much greater amount of males vs. females.  I am not going to go into why this is the case as the subject is much discussed elsewhere.  I will say that supporting programs that support girls in STEM early on will help this issue.

I think that most software engineering teams would benefit from having greater gender diversity.  I know firsthand that the issue is discussed.  The answer is not just to blindly hire more female engineers, but to make your environment more friendly so that the best engineers (both men and women) would want to work there.

The following website is a good starting resource for suggestions on how to make your company/team more appealing to women software engineers:
Hire More Women In Tech

You can also see my other Quora post: What are some of the biggest mistakes men make when managing women?

Hiring solely based on gender can be considered discriminatory.  Please discuss any specific laws & details with your HR or legal departments.

I do not have any specific experience with other professions.

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Source: Quora