Is it too late to make career change in mid 30s? It requires me to start from entry level. Is it worth it?

Christian McCarrick It is never too late.  However, in your 30s you might have more obligations than you did earlier in life.  If you have a family and/or mortgage, etc. these will limit your options. There have been many people who have changed careers late in life, people becoming doctors, authors, musicians, teachers, etc.  If […]

Is it good to change career in andriod for an experienced .Net developer ? Please advice..

Christian McCarrick Ultimately, you should spend your career doing whatever you enjoy more.  You will be  working every day for years, so whatever keeps you happy and fulfilled should guide your decision. I think that the salaries will generally be pretty comparable to each other. .Net developer jobs tend to be focused more on enterprise […]

As a manager, how do you cope with having to terminate people you’ve become personally close to?

I have had to do this on several occasions.  Because the person was not performing well and also because of general workforce reductions.  I have also had to let go of a spouse while the other spouse still worked at the company. Letting someone go under is hard under any circumstance, but it becomes even […]

As a manager, how do you cope with having to terminate people you've become personally close to?

Christian McCarrick I have had to do this on several occasions.  Because the person was not performing well and also because of general workforce reductions.  I have also had to let go of a spouse while the other spouse still worked at the company.  Letting someone go under is hard under any circumstance, but it […]

What is it like to be an Insight Data Science Fellow?

Christian McCarrick This is a slightly different perspective on the question.  I was never an Insight Data Science Fellow, but I have personally hired multiple people who graduated from the program.  As a hiring manager in technology and data science I evaluated a number of different “bootcamp” type programs.  The Insight Data Science Fellow Program […]

Is it bad to turn down an internship offer from the same company twice?

Christian McCarrick I would be curious as to why you applied to the same company again if you think you will not accept the offer.  If you decline the second offer I would probably not expect to receive another offer from them.  A number of companies use internships to groom future employees.  If you think […]

Can a manager use profanity when communicating at work? Is there a situation where it'd be helpful?

Christian McCarrick It depends on the situation.  This is an area where I would tread carefully.  You need to really have a good understanding of the people on your team and if using profanity will create an unsafe environment or not.  Have I ever used profanity at work, yes.  Do I use it often, No. […]

What are some examples of communication skills amongst software engineers? Good or bad?

Christian McCarrick This is not an easy question to answer and provide examples. There are multiple types of communication skills that a software engineer needs to have: 1. Interpersonal communication 2. Written communication 3. Software design and coding documentation These are just a few.  If you are concerned about your communication skills I would ask […]

What are some of the DO's and DONT's to mentoring junior software engineers?

Christian McCarrick The biggest mistake that I see in dealing with junior software engineers is not having a plan in place or the resources required to appropriately mentor them.  I see the same thing happening with interns.  The attitude of “Hey, Let’s get some Interns!” or “We can save money with junior software engineers!” is […]

SimpleLeadership Episode 0 – Welcome to the Show!

Play / pause 1x 1.5x 2x 0:00 0:00 00:09:02 volume SimpleLeadership Episode 0 – Welcome to the Show! Welcome to the first episode of The Simple Leadership Podcast.  I introduce this podcast aimed at giving you the tips to become a top manager and an effective leader. Episode Links: